You know, pens that last forever
Mightier than a sword, the humble pen is essential item, even in today’s text heavy modern world. But the problem with pens and pencils is that they run out, fail to work, snap, blunt or otherwise let you down when you need them the most. No so with Forever pens. They use a soft metal Ethergraf tip, which works like a pen nib, or roller ball, or pencil point, to mark paper or other surfaces. Think of it as an inkless pen, or a graphite less pencil. The Forever Pen leaves a light grey mark, that can initially be erased - just like a regular pencil before becoming permanent, like an ink pen. The cool part is they never wear out. Yep. Never. Not in your lifetime however prolific a writer you are. You can get a Forever pen in various styles and colours and given their true lifetime lifespan, they’re cheap too. For adventurers, outdoors people, they’re the ideal accompaniment to a schedule where refills or replacements aren’t at hand.
£30+ Euro 35+ $42+ depending on model
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